Baby & Child Sleep on Holiday

So, here are my tip tips for baby and child sleep on holiday:

  1. Be Predictable Around Naptimes and Bedtime

Even if the timing is out try to do a similar routine prior to a nap or bedtime as you would do at home. Your baby or child should understand the predictability and it will make them feel secure, limiting any possibility of unsettledness.

  1. Set up a Similar Sleep Environment

If you use white noise and blackout at home, bring the white noise machine and even a portable blackout blind if you can. I love the SnoozeShade for the travel cot because it creates complete darkness and means if your baby is in the same room as you, you don’t have to worry about turning lights on or the curtains being too transparent (which we all know they often are on holiday!) Bringing the same cot sheets and sleeping bag will also help as babies sense of smell is sensitive so it will remind them of their sleep space at home. Don’t forget any comforters too!

  1. Plan Naps

If you’re going out for the day then plan your day so that your little one will have the opportunity to nap in the pram or car. A short motion nap is definitely better than no nap at all! Again, you can get some great portable white noise machines and SnoozeShade also do breathable blackout cover which offers UV protection for both the pram and car seat too! (use PEACEFUL10 for 10% discount). 

If you really want your little one to nap in the cot, or they will only nap in the cot (like mine) then try to plan activities around the nap. Don’t worry if your little one is a bit late for a nap or the usual schedule is off, things can never be 100% on holiday, don’t let it make you feel anxious – it will be fine!

  1. Consider an Early Bedtime

If you know your little one hasn’t had enough day sleep or is very tired then consider putting them to bed early. I believe anything up to one hour earlier than their normal bedtime will not affect the time of their morning wake. It’s better to get that extra sleep tagged on to the beginning of their night sleep than allow then to become overtired.

  1. Remember: your little one doesn’t know what time it is!

On holiday it’s only natural to relax some of your usual ‘rules’. The same goes for little ones too. Just remember; babies and young children don’t know what time is it, for example, they don’t understand that they always go to bed at 7pm. They only understand the predictability of routines, so if you are an hour late to bed, don’t worry!


What do I do once I get home to get back on track?


Like I said earlier, if your little one is already a good sleeper then they should slip right back into their regular sleep habits fairly quickly. The main thing I would say to be aware of is refraining from introducing any sleep associations that you weren’t doing previously. After all, if you suddenly start rocking to sleep for bedtime on holiday then your little one will come to expect that when they get home. 


If naps have been mainly on-to-go then try to get back to napping in the cot as soon as you’re home. Don’t put this off. It’s best you get back to normal as soon as possible otherwise holiday habits can stick!


It’s not unusual for children to be a little overtired after all the fun a holiday brings but this should only last a couple of days. Let your little one have longer naps and make bedtime a little earlier if you feel this is necessary. After a couple of days, once the overtiredness subsides, my advice is to get back to your usual routine. 


I hope this advice has been helpful, if so do let me know by commenting on my latest Instagram or Facebook post! Please also share this blog with any friends who may be feeling anxious too!


I hope you have an amazing holiday!

Do you want to create a flexible routine for your little one? 

My handy guide outlines routines from birth to 3 years that can be adapted to suit your unique little one.


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